Thank You Rewards loyalty members unlock exclusive value with new daily deals! To gain access to the deals make sure you’re using the Red’s Savoy Pizza mobile app or are logged in to your Thank You Rewards account during the online ordering process.
APPY HOUR | Daily 2-5pm | Buy a large 14″ pizza, get an app for free.
KIDZ EAT FREE | Tuesday after 5pm | Buy a large 14″ pizza, get a FREE kidz pizza.
$30 DATE NIGHT | Wednesday after 5pm | Mix and match your way to a perfect meal – includes an entree salad, regular 10″ specialty pizza and an app for $30.
SAVOY SUNDAY SUPPER| Sundays after 2pm | Pasta & Salads for 2: $24 or 8: $69.
Not a Thank You Rewards member yet? Join now!